Adoptable Horses HANKAge: 19Height: 16.3hh Breed: Belgian Gelding(Available as a companion) MEET HANK STARAge: 20Height: 18hhBreed: Shire(Available as a companion) MEET STAR TinkerbellAge: 28 +/-Height: TBDBreed: Percheron(Available as a companion) MEET TINKERBELL SHEARLAge: 26Height: 15.2hhBreed: Belgian(Available as a companion) MEET SHEARL ThunderstruckAge: 1Height: TBDBreed: Haflinger MEET THUNDERSTRUCK OtisAge: 20Height: 19.2Breed: Percheron MEET OTIS DahliaAge: 25Height: 16.3hhBreed: Percheron MEET DAHLIA HELP CARE FOR OUR HERD“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”Leo Buscaglia Donate