Meet Bee & Prince
In 2007, these two former Standardbred harness racing horses were rescued and adopted by a wonderful client of Dr. Golub. They’ve lived a great life of retirement, living in the northeast corner of the state with plentiful pasture. As their owners aged and battled their own health problems they were fortunate to find help from a neighbor and held onto the horse-owning part of their lives for as long as possible. This past year, they had to make the heartbreaking decision to give up the horses. CDHR stepped in because we wanted to be sure they would always be safe and able to stay together. We welcomed them to CDHR where we know they will get all the love they can handle, and where their owners can visit and continue to have these cherished horses in their lives.
We are blessed to be able to help the humans attached to them in one of the most difficult times of their lives.
Welcome to CDHR Bee & Prince.
Bee & Prince
Age: Bee/20 & Prince/19
Height: TBD
American Standardbred
Health & Care: Prince has Cushings, on daily Prascend. No issues with Bee.
Hooves: Barefoot
Suitable For: An experienced, patient, soft but confident person. Someone to earn their trust and find what they may enjoy most. Available as companions.
Enjoys: Rolling in the snow, rolling in the mud, and doing zoomies in their paddock!
Working On: Prince & Bee are working on trusting all these new humans in their life as well as being confident in new situations and their surroundings.
Fun Fact: The American Standardbred is commonly used in harness racing. The breed features its muscled body and placid temperament. The Standardbred Horse is the world’s fastest trotting horse.