Volunteer With Us
Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue is 100% volunteer-operated. Volunteers are vital to our organization – providing much needed help and allowing us to properly care for our rescued draft horses.
Whether you are a novice and want to learn about horses from the ground up, or an experienced horse person that wants to share your time and expertise, we can always use your help! You will learn first hand about the feeding and handling of draft horses, some with very special needs.
Volunteering for a horse rescue is something that comes from the heart. As you work with these wonderful animals, you will be surprised how much you learn about yourself. Being around horses is the best therapy in the world!
We can use your strengths in every area, from building fences to hauling hay bales to planning special events and fundraising. Yes, some of the chores are not so glamorous, but it all needs to be done. Keeping our horses in a safe and sound environment takes a lot of hard work. Young adults, retired folks, veterans… we welcome all and will spend time with you to show you the ropes.
You must be at least 15 years of age to volunteer with us. No volunteers under the age of 18 can be at the farm without an adult family member.
If you’d like to spend a few hours down on the farm, get out your gloves and boots and come on out! Please fill out the below application form to get started!
Types of Volunteer Opportunities Available
Horse Care Responsibilities and Requirements
Volunteers feed and care for our horses. Some volunteers complete multiple shifts per week just to be at the barn with the horses. We ask for a commitment of at least one shift per week. Shifts generally run for three hours. We have two shifts: AM Shift: start time between 7:00/7:30 am | PM Shift: start time between 3:30/4:00 pm. A typical shift involves moving 50 lb grain bags, filling hay nets, carrying buckets of soaked feed, cleaning and filling water troughs, handling horses, and mucking run-ins/paddocks. In inclement weather, there is also blanketing and un-blanketing of the horses.
Qualifications for Volunteering with Horses:
You must be able to lift 50 lbs, walk on uneven and rocky surfaces, lift and reach, and be on your feet for several hours outside in all weather conditions.
You must be willing to work in all types of weather and commit to a weekly shift.
Have a high degree of reliability.
Human interaction is a requirement of all volunteer roles. Volunteers must always communicate professionally.
Volunteers must be at least 15 years of age. No volunteers under the age of 18 can be at the farm without an adult family member.
Working safely in a farm environment is extremely important. We take safety very seriously and will review our safety regulations during orientation.
Fundraising and Events
Are you interested in helping us raise funds for the farm? We need folks who will assist with writing letters, talking with both local businesses and corporations about their giving programs, and coming up with creative ideas to help us keep our income stream steady so that we can keep our promise to the horses.
If you have a busy schedule and can’t commit to regular volunteer hours, volunteering on our fundraising committee is a great way to help our organization.
We have many volunteer opportunities available to help with our fundraising and community events to raise funds for the care of our herd and promote our mission to a broader community.
Some Things You Can Help With:
Help develop local/community fundraising and awareness events.
Man a booth/table at a community event.
Volunteer at a CDHR on-site event to ensure every attendee has a wonderful experience.
Put up posters and hand out flyers.
Deliver a presentation to a community group or school.
Approach businesses for sponsorship and support.
Farm Maintenance
Do you like to work outside and get your hands dirty? If you are a handyman or woman, volunteer maintenance may be the right fit for you. Volunteers with specific skills in carpentry or handyman jobs are always needed and appreciated. If you know how to repair/fix equipment we use at the rescue—we welcome you!
If you are willing to mend fencing and any other need for the grounds or barn—there is always something to mend, repair or fix!
We welcome any knowledge and input for new ways to do things.
Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue Inc. (CDHR) Non-Discrimination Statement and Policy
CDHR does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin (ancestry), religion, creed, disability, marital status, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, subcontractors, and vendors.
Volunteer Application Form (required)