In Memory of Lance
(2021= year he was rescued)
Today we said goodbye to Lance, a beautiful Belgian we rescued two years ago this week. Lance was purchased sight unseen from an advertisement. Unfortunately, once he arrived at his new home, it was clear Lance was not quite the horse described in the ad. His new owner knew she needed help to find him a more appropriate home. We are so thankful she did the right thing and sought help.
This poor boy came to us with a sinus infection, bad teeth, old injuries, and he clearly had seen many years of heavy work and heavy hands. He was underweight, and his body was covered in scars. He was missing hair; he bore ill-fitting collar and tack marks, including bit scars in the corners of his mouth. It didn't take long to realize that Lance was in physical pain from his two front fetlocks that dropped from years of hard work. We worked hard to do everything we could to help him—including special corrective shoes to raise his fetlocks. Little by little, we saw improvements in his health.
We lovingly referred to Lance as our handsome, cranky old man—that was his personality, and we accepted and loved him just as he was. He spent these past two years in retirement, often napping in the sunshine or grazing in the pasture. He preferred the company of Bob and Spencer and generally liked to be left alone. No fussing over him. Lance was a horse that only let a handful of humans into his world, and we are thankful that we gained his trust.
We respected his need for space and his preference for horses over humans.
Recently his health began to decline, and it became apparent this week it was time to let him go. So today, we said goodbye to Lance, knowing his sweet old friend Bob was there to meet him at the rainbow bridge. A moment after the rain stopped, a little sliver of blue sky peaked out over the rescue—as if he said, I'm at peace now.
Run free, Lance. You will always be loved.
Lance’s care, in part, is supported by the generous monthly donations from these CDHR supporters:
Wendy Woodland-Carr
Susan P.
Bernadette S.
Lynn C.
K. Brady
Jacqueline J.
Lance’s Angels
If you have questions about any of our horses, please use this form to reach out to us!