Hello, My Name is Budd.
Hey there everyone, my name is Budd, and I’m Belgian draft horse. I want to share my story with you. This is going to be hard for some of you to read, but please honor me, by reading my story. My story has a happy ending, but my story needs to be shared, so others can learn.
You see, when you go to auction, you lose your name, you lose you dignity, you lose your hope. As they walk you in, they place a sticker on your hip. It has a number on it, I became just a number to all those in the stands and to those moving me around in the pen, eyeing me up. I was no longer Budd, a name I recognized, a name I hear when I am needed, a name that gave me purpose. I had lost my name. Now I was just a number. A sticker was glued to my hind leg. A sticker that would not come off until my hide did.
I walked into that ring, harness on, blinders blocking my view, hearing my number not my name. I was a willing horse, starving, tired, but still willing. I didn't understand all the yelling of numbers, the shuffling of people, the confusion, but then I felt something, I felt my heart. Actually, I felt someone else's heart. I felt someone's heart in the crowd, it was being tugged at and reaching out to me. I had a feeling of slight hope.
Suddenly, someone came to me, and instantly I felt that heart tug, that pull, that glimmer of hope. A new halter was gently placed on me, and I was lead calmly, and softly to a trailer off to the side. I walked on, and felt someone gently remove my number. She came to the side of the trailer, patted my nose, gave me a gentle kiss and called me by my name. BUDD ❤
Budd (ADOPTED, 6/2020)
Age: 22
Height: 17hh
Breed: Belgian
Health & Care: None
Hooves: Barefoot, stands for farrier.
Suitable For: Suitable for light, leisurely riding, or a fuzzy companion.
Enjoys: Enjoys learning, and loves his people. He will stand for hours to be groomed.
Working On: Working on, being even more perfect for my Forever home.